11 Natural Remedies to Relieve Cramps Fast (No Painkillers Needed!)

How many times have menstrual cramps put you outta business?

Maybe you cannot function and have to lay in bed for hours. Or maybe the cramps are so bad you feel like you have to pop Midol like candy to get some kinda pain relief.

Either way. You aren’t alone.

The pain can make it impossible to work, sleep or even enjoy the day.

However, there’s good news, you do not have to suffer from cramps anymore!

I know it sounds too good to be true, but myself and many other women have overcome severe debilitating period pain, and so can you!

Are you ready to give the meds a rest sis?

Because there are a lot of ways to help with period pain without having to turn to painkillers, and I am here to share the wisdom I have learned over the years with you!

The natural remedies I am going to share are holistic methods that reduce the pain and even help to regulate your hormones for better results in the long run.

So if you’re willing to learn and apply these natural remedies to your life, so you start feeling better in your body and womb space, then keep reading to help with cramps and reduce period pain now!

And Pin this post so you can always comeback to it!

1. Magnesium: The Best Cure for Cramps

The reason I put this first is because lots of women are magnesium deficient. The average teenage and adult female need about 280 to 300 mg per day. Magnesium helps with menstrual cramps, by providing muscle relief to our uterus (a.k.a cramping), reducing inflammation, and it also plays a role in hormonal regulation.

We need magnesium for nutrients in our body daily, but it’s especially important during our bleed, making it a great organic treatment for menstrual discomfort.

✨ The fastest way to get magnesium in the body to relieve cramping is absorbing it through the skin, by taking magnesium salt baths or using magnesium spray.

✨ The best foods rich in Magnesium: Dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and avocados.

✨ The best supplement: Magnesium glycinate or citrate capsules, should be taken once or twice daily in doses of 200-380 mg.

👉 Want a full cramp-relief meal plan?

[Find it inside The Period Playbook!]

2. Heat Therapy: Your Fast Cramp Solution

Heat therapy works by enhancing circulation, soothing the muscles of the uterus and bringing quick relief to cramping.

This has been practiced in ancient Chinese Medicine for over a century to help women through their periods. I have been applying this method to day 1-3 of my bleed, and the results are you gotta get on it girl! Because i have not experienced a single debilitating cramp, since I began this practice.

When I say Heat Therapy, I mean keeping your internal warm! Because our inside is experiencing an inner winter, during our menstrual phase. We wanna do everything we can to warm and nourish our body, like during winter time.

The best ways we can provide heat include:

  • heating pads

  • hot water bottles

  • warm bath

  • eating soup

  • drinking tea

  • wearing socks and house slippers

Water-based tip: For greater relaxation, put Epsom(Magnesium Flakes), salts and lavender essential oil in your bath.

3. Herbal Teas: Natural Period Pain Relief

Herbs are also another ancient holistic practice that our ancestor have been using for centuries, before medicine was invented.

We use these herbs and make teas and tinctures with them, and some herbal teas have been designed specifically to help reduce inflammation, relax muscles and provide period cramps during your menstrual cycle.

Some of the Best Teas for Menstrual Cramps:

Ginger tea Ginger reduces pain and inflammation and helps to relieve muscle tension.

Chamomile tea – This tea is very calming and helps to soothe the mind and body.

Raspberry leaf tea – This type of tea can help to improve the health of the uterus, regulate your hormones and may also help to reduce bleeding.

Tumeric- This herb/root is anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the inflammation in the uterus that causes menstrual cramping.

Peppermint- Is known to have a property that reduces the hormone substances that cause period cramps, as well. (this contains a small amount of caffeine).

Recommended Usage: Drink 2-3 cups per day during your menstrual period for best results!

All of these teas can be found at your local market or grocery store. If you would like to get real herbs that are stronger and fast acting, search for a local apothecary near you!

I will be listing trusted online apothecaries at a later date, and if you know of any, please list them in the comments!

4. Cycle-Synced Nutrition: Cramp Relief through Food

Your diet help or hurt when it comes to menstrual cramp relief. And I am not talking about going on a fad diet. When I say diet, I mean the nutrition you are giving your body on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Steer clear of inflammatory foods, especially while you are bleeding!

This includes:

  1. processed foods

  2. fried

  3. dairy

  4. spicy

  5. sugars

The reason why is because your body has slow digestion, during your period. Eating the foods I mentioned can cause extra bloating and period cramps. o for the opposite: inflammatory-reducing, hormone-regulating foods.

The following are some of the best foods that can help with menstrual cramp relief:

  • Omega-3 rich foods (salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts)

  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale)

  • Bananas

  • Foods Rich in Iron (red meat, eggs, rasins, lentils, chickpeas)

In Period Playbook, I give you a complete guide on how to eat throughout your 28-34 day cycle and each phase!

If that is something that interests you..

Click Here!

5. Let Your Blood Flow Naturally

Letting your blood flow naturally is an ancient practice in auyervedic teaching, and I’ve been practicing it for years. It definitely checks out! It is also another way to help reduce the severity of the cramps by ensuring that the blood is distributed to the right areas of the body.

The following are the best ways to enhance the flow of blood: Do not wear tight clothes especially around the waist. Try stretching and moving – even a little walking is helpful! Use castor oil packs on the lower abdomen to improve circulation.

6. Gentle Movement: Yoga & Stretching

Actually, movement can help with period pain, even when cramps are making you want to stay in bed.

Yoga Poses That Can Help With Cramps:

  • Child’s Pose This pose opens up the back of the hips and lower back.

  • Cat/Cow – It creates space in your abdomens, enhances circulation and helps to release tension.

  • Malasana / Yogi Squat – It helps the encourage the natural blood flow.

Want a guided Period Yoga Class?

[It’s inside The Period Playbook!]

7. Steer Clear of Inflammatory Foods

Some foods can increase pain during the menstrual period due to the inflammation and hormonal changes in the body.

The following are some foods that can worsen menstrual pain when taken during the menstrual period:

Processed foods – foods like fast food, chips, frozen meals.

Dairy products – Some people are sensitive to dairy products and may experience inflammation.

Sugar – It increases the level of inflammation and symptoms of PMS.

Instead, choose to eat whole foods that are rich in nutrients and help regulate hormones!

8. Get Enough Fluid Intake to Avoid Bloating and Pain

Sometimes, people experience worse cramps due to bloating and muscle tension as a result of dehydration.

Some of the Best Drinks for Menstrual Cramps:

Lemon water – This is a natural detoxifier and will help to keep the body well-hydrated. Coconut water – This is rich in electrolytes. Ginger tea – It has anti-inflammatory and calming effects.

Recurring Answered Question: Avoid caffeine, which can worsen cramps!

9. Deep Breathing & Somatic Practices

Stress only makes cramps worse, and tension doesn’t help. Inhaling deeply and performing some somatic exercises can help to decrease the pain caused by menstrual cramps.

Take a breath!

Inhale and hold the breath for 4 seconds each.

Hold for 4 seconds.

Exhale for 6 seconds.

Repeat for 5 minutes.

Potent breathing and somatic strategies for pain management are shown and explained in The Period Playbook!

10. Allow Peace and Rest

This is a time to pause and listen to your body during your period. Cramming or overexertion can lead to worsened cramps and hormonal imbalances.

The Best Restful Practices for Cramps:

  • Take a nap.

  • It helps to feel tired and

  • Learn to say NO to tasks and activities that can be done at another time.

  • Listen to soft music and sing along or just listen.

  • Write down your thoughts in a journal and encase yourself in a thick blanket.

11. Supportive Drinks for Menstrual Pain Relief

Besides having plenty of fluids to drink, other enriched fluids can help with cramps and hormonal symptoms.

Some of the Best Supportive Drinks:

The Golden milk (turmeric + coconut milk) – This type of milk has a very strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Beetroot juice – Improves circulation and causes less bloating.

Peppermint tea – It helps to relieve pain in the muscles and prevents nausea.

Want to have a pain-free period?

Let’s Make It Happen!

BONUS TIP: The Best Way to Have Long Term Pain Relief is to Incorporate Cycle Synching!

If you wanna learn the basics, read my blog post Cycle Syncing 101, where I talk all about learning how to synch your menstrual cycle phases with your lifestyle, nutrition and exercise.

Menstrual cramps are not something you have to live with and it is actually possible to experience pain-free easy periods. When you naturally support your hormones and nervous system, you will have fewer pains and more comfort every month.

If you’re ready to:

  • Get rid of pain and irritability during your period once and for all

  • Learn how to balance your hormones naturally without a doctor.

  • Learn the exact steps to cycle sync your life

Join my course, The Period Playbook!


Feminine Energy 101: How to Tap Into Your Divine Feminine Energy