Feminine Energy 101: How to Tap Into Your Divine Feminine Energy

You hear every woman rant and rave about the importance of tapping into your feminine energy, but what does that even mean?

Well, I’m here to break down the basics babes, so you can begin embodying your feminine essence and live in balance with your feminine energy, starting today!

What Is Feminine Energy?

Feminine energy is the gentle, soft, and nurturing aspect that is present in all people regardless of their gender. It is the part of you that senses danger, values art, and navigates the world with ease and natural flow rather than through force.

Our society today promotes the hustle culture, productivity and as a result, many women are disconnected from their feminine essence. The need to meet the world’s expectations makes many women burn out, experience hormonal imbalances and emotional stress.

However, I strongly believe the secret sauce to enjoying your most easeful, confide and balanced life, one where you embrace your feminine essence, is to simply honor yourself through your menstrual cycle.


When are you gonna stop living for the world, and start showing up for yourself babe? Because you are worthy and you deserve it sis! We are all waiting for you fully embrace every part of you.

Masculine vs. Feminine Energy: The Key Differences

Now, I explained to you that Feminine energy is in everyone, regardless of the gender, and so is Masculine Energy. It is crucial to mention that the key to unlocking your feminine energy is to achieve harmony between your Feminine and Masculine Energy. Here’s how they differ:

Masculine Energy (Yang)

  • Structure & Logic

  • Productivity & Action

  • Independence

  • Hustle & Achievement

  • Control & Stability

Feminine Energy (Yin)

  • Rest & Receptivity

  • Flow & Intuition

  • Connection & Community

  • Creativity & Expression

  • Trust & Surrender

Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy

In this man made work society, most women live in masculine energy for 24/7—working long hours, constantly giving to others, and ignoring their body’s natural rhythms. Over time this makes you lose the connection with your cycle, instincts and the glow within you.

If you’re burnt out, disconnected, or feeling like you’re in survival mode, your feminine energy could be out of balance. Here are some common signs: If you’re experiencing any of the following, you might have blocked feminine energy:

🚩 You have zero energy, fatigue, or boredom

🚩 You have trouble unwinding and have no desire to ask for help

🚩 You experience irregular or painful menstrual periods

🚩 You feel detached from your feelings or your gut feelings

🚩 You’re always ‘on’ and can’t switch off or take a break

🚩 You struggle with self-esteem and body image. You compare your looks to others frequently.

If this doesn’t sound like you, then maybe you have an excess of feminine energy. Lack of the balancing effect of masculine energy can also create certain difficulties in life. Too much feminine energy also causes imbalances. Here are some common signs of too much feminine energy:

🚩 You’re Over-Accommodating & People-Pleasing

🚩 You Feel Emotionally Overwhelmed

🚩 You Seek External Validation Often

🚩 You Have Lack of Boundaries and Are Passive in Your Relationships

🚩 You Rely on Intuition Alone, Without Logic

🚩 You struggle with Structure, Discipline & Taking Initiative

If you want to find true balance within the Feminine and Masculine, Check out my course, Period Playbook. It’s a course that helps you have structure in your life (the Masculine), while living in synch with your natural menstrual cycle flow (the Feminine).

How to Reconnect & Embody Your Feminine Energy

Some of you may be wondering ‘How do I tap back into my feminine energy?’ or ‘how do I activate my feminine energy?’

The good news? You can awaken your feminine essence and find true balance with simple, intentional shifts.

To begin to balance your feminine energy safety within the body should be the number one priority because if you do not feel safe, that will lead to emotional overwhelm. Create the structure in your life, by adding self-care practices that help you feel safe within your body. Here are some practices you can add to your routine to help you reconnect to your Feminine Energy:

1️⃣ Sync With Your Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle is the supreme map of feminine energy. Each phase corresponds with different energy levels and emotions. Listed below are the different phases of the moon/menstrual cycle and what they mean in terms of energy and emotions:

🌑 Menstrual Phase (Winter) – Rest & Reflection

🌱 Follicular Phase (Spring) – Creativity & New Beginnings

☀️ Ovulation (Summer) – Confidence & Magnetism

🍂 Luteal Phase (Autumn) – Intuition & Inner Work

🌿 Try This:

Learn to balance your self-care, nutrition, movement and work based on your cycle for more ease and alignment. If you are a beginner to cycle synching, read my blog post all about Cycle Syncing 101.

For more in depth guidance, my course Period Playbook, I teach you exactly how to do this cycle synch and live in tune with your cycle to connect deep with yourself and live a balanced life!

Click Here to Sign Up !

2️⃣ Embrace Rest & Slow Living

Feminine energy thrives in softness, slowness and stillness. Instead of always pushing forward, allow yourself to pause, reflect, and receive. Here are some tips to help you embrace rest and slow down:

  • Don’t rush to work; take your time and enjoy your morning

  • Take warm baths or engage in other activities that will help you relax the mind, body and soul

  • Journaling or writing down your thoughts and ideas

  • Take time to pamper your body with skin care, manicure, pedicure etc.

  • Reduce your time on social media and spend more time outdoors

  • Breathing exercises to help you relax and let go of stress

3️⃣ Connect With Your Body Through Somatics

Somatic practices aid in the release of tension, regulating of the nervous system and help you get outta your head and back into your body. Ultimately creating that safety your body needs. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Feminine movement which is yoga, dance or sensual stretching

  • Breathing exercises to sooth the mind and release stress

  • The 5 Senses: Exploring the World Around You

  1. Self-touch or gentle massage to feel more connected to your body

  2. Tasting your favorite food while your eyes closed

  3. Arrange your home and make it appealing to your eyes

  4. Lighting a candle or burning incense

  5. Listen to music that hypes you up and helps you tap into your inner goddess or baddie

If you would like more somatic exercises, or would like to be guided through somatic therapy, check out these articles.

4️⃣ Express Your Creativity

Feminine energy is creative and playful in the arts, in movement, or in storytelling. When you relax your guard and allow yourself to create without an agenda, you naturally increase your joy and flow.

Spend at least 20-30 minutes per day doing something you enjoy. Here are some activities to help you get the juices flowing:

  • Painting, writing or making a vision board

  • Express yourself through painting, writing or creating a vision board

  • Dance without thinking about how you look

  • Singing, writing poetry or saying something that comes from the heart

  • Create and express yourself through painting, writing or making a vision board

  • Move your body in a way that feels good for you, without worrying about how you look

5️⃣ Cultivate Sisterhood & Support

Feminine energy is best experienced in the present moment within a community. Feminine energy is the exact opposite of masculine energy because while masculine energy values independence, feminine energy values community and shared wisdom.

When women can come together, we cultivate deep connections in sisterhood, empower one another, and raise the collective divine feminine energy. Here are some ways you can connect with other women:

  1. Joining a women’s circle or an online community of like-minded women

  2. Speak your mind and share how you are doing with a friend

  3. Depend on others and ask for help when you need it

If you have ever wanted to be part of a sisterhood that is supportive,

Click here to see my future women’s circle and retreats.

The Power of Feminine Energy And Hormone Balance

This is probably the reason you feel like you have imbalanced feminine energy because of the environment that we live in today. This world has not been created for you to succeed as a woman.

If you feel like you can’t keep up then you are right and you are not alone. You never learned how to take care of yourself as a woman.

When you decide to tap into your feminine energy, your hormones find their way back to normal, stress levels decrease, and your period becomes a powerful tool instead of a problem.

Benefits of Balancing Your Life Through Your Menstrual Cycle:

  • Your periods will not only be painless but also regular

  • You will be happier, more creative, and less strained

  • You will have better instincts and navigate through life easily

  • You will have better relationships and opportunities that are right for you

Ready to Embody Your Feminine Energy & Heal Your Cycle?

If you’re ready to find balance within your life, then my signature course, Period Playbook, is for you!

Here are some of the things you may be eager to learn or change, such as:

  • How to naturally balance your hormones

  • How to minimize pain and other symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle

  • How to use your cycle as a guide for your emotions, energy and daily routine

  • How to Work with the Moon to Find Balance

So if you are ready to…

Have pain-free and easy periods, gain confidence and feel balanced all throughout your cycle.

Then, Period Playbook, is just the course you need.

Learn how to work with your cycle and tap into your divine feminine energy with me!

Enroll today!


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